Norwegian Lutheran Mission began working in Tanzania in 1951. Today, our work extends to several countries in the region. Our field administration is in Nairobi, Kenya.
Traditionally, our work in East Africa has been focussed on Kenya and Tanzania. Today, our work extends to the greater East African region, and we no longer have permanent staff in Tanzania.
Scripture Mission is the official name of Norwegian Lutheran Mission in East Africa. It primarily refers to the areas of our work that are not wholly integrated with the work of the national churches.
For many years, Norwegian Lutheran Mission has maintained cooperation and partnerships with the evangelical lutheran churches in Kenya (ELCK) and Tanzania (ELCT).
Norwegian Lutheran Mission's work in East Africa first started in Mbulu (Dongobesh) in 1951, and in Mara in 1972. In 1977, we also formalised a partnership with the lutheran church in Kenya.
The local lutheran churches have grown, and today, local leaders are responsible for the church activities. Thus, Norwegian Lutheran Mission's work has entered a new phase. Our partner dioceses have taken over responsibility for all church-integrated work, including priorities and goals. Our work with the churches in Tanzania and Kenya is now in a "friendship phase". We no longer send missionaries for long-term placements in Tanzania, and although we still have missionaries in Kenya, they are not engaged in church activities. We are also gradually reducing our financial support, as the dioceses are becoming more financially independent.
However, we do still occasionally send missionaries for short-term teaching engagements etc. when needed.
In Tanzania, Norwegian Lutheran Mission supports ELCT's work in the district of Mara, as well as their work among the Datooga in Mbulu.
In Kenya, we have missionaries working amongst an unreached people group in the coastal regions. We also maintain a close bond with the church in North West Diocese.
Bible schools are operated by the national churches, and Norwegian Lutheran Mission sends teaching personell for short-term placements as needed. Specifically, we work with Kiabakari Bible School in Mara, Tanzania, Waama Bible School in Mbulu, Tanzania, and Kapenguria Bible Centre in Pokot, Kenya. We also provide some financial support.
In the Tana North region in Kenya, Norwegian Lutheran Mission has an extensive development project aiming to help the local population access clean drinking water. We also provide training in basic health and hygiene, as well as in reading and writing.