Øyvind Åsland and the Executive Board of Norwegian Lutheran Mission has agreed that Åsland will step down as Secretary-General on 15 May 2022.
Øyvind Åsland became Secretary-General of Norwegian Lutheran Mission 1 September 2010.
– The Executive Board would like to thank Åsland for his diligence and hard work throughout his time as Secretary-General, says the Chairman of the Executive Board, Raymond Bjuland.
Øyvind Åsland explains that it is not unnatural to step down after twelve years in a role like this.
– This is something I have been considering for some time, independently of the unrest and media attention connected to our organisation for the past year and a half. The change also are not connected to the concerns regarding various issues in the organisation raised by whistleblowers since August 2020, Åsland notes.
– However, I have experienced difficulties cooperating with the Executive Board for some time, and this has influenced my decision, Åsland says.
Both the Secretary-General and the Chairman of the Board emphasises that there are no specific cases or issues (such as transgression, financial violation or other serious offences) behind the exit.
– We will give further statements when we know who will take over as Secretary-General, states Raymond Bjuland.
Chairman of the Executive Board, Raymond Bjuland
Email: rbjuland@nlm.no
Departing Secretary-General, Øyvind Åsland
Phone: 472 38 498. Email oasland@nlm.no (until Friday 13 May 2022)