The Executive Board has asked Birger Helland to be acting Secretary-General of Norwegian Lutheran Mission from 15 May 2022.
The Executive Board of Norwegian Lutheran Mission has, as a result of Øyvind Åsland stepping down as Secretary-General on 15 May, made the following decision:
"The Executive Board wishes to ask Birger Helland to act as Secretary-General of Norwegian Lutheran Mission from 15 May 2022 and until a permanent hiring of a new Secretary-General has been made."
In a challenging situation, the Executive Board is grateful to Birger Helland for taking on this task. He is a man with a wide and varied experience from various positions in Norwegian Lutheran Mission on both the national and regional levels.
By accepting this position on short notice, Helland has shown great goodwill. We ask the people of the mission, both employees and volunteers, to welcome him and keep him and his work in their prayers.
Chairman of the Board Raymond Bjuland
Email: rbjuland@nlm.no
Acting Secretary-General Birger Helland
Phone: 900 36 672 Email: bhelland@nlm.no