Norwegian Lutheran Mission is a free and independent mission organisation with “The World for Christ” as its vision. NLM has extensive activities in Norway and in approx. 15 countries in Africa, South America and Asia.
Norwegian Lutheran Mission is a free and independent mission organisation based in the Lutheran theological tradition. Our vision is “The World for Christ”.
Our international work is extensive, with many projects and missionaries involved in both evangelistic work and development work in Africa, South America and Asia.
Our work in Norway includes camps for both youths, adults and families, schools, kindergartens, a chain of second-hand stores, mission congregations and house groups, radio and other media work, a publishing house etc.
Norwegian Lutheran Mission (NLM) was founded in 1891 under the name The Norwegian Lutheran Federation for Mission in China, with the expressed goal of sending missionaries to China. When the missionaries had to leave China after WWII, the organisation adopted its current name. Today, we are one of the largest mission organisations in Europe.
NLM is a democratic organisation. Daily operations are led by the general secretary on behalf of the executive board, which is again elected by NLM's general assembly.
NLM is involved in extensive evangelistic work and development work on three continents. Our missionaries wish to convey the Gospel through words and deeds. In our humanitarian work, we primarily aim to support community development through projects within the fields of health, agriculture and education. We specifically work to improve living conditions for women, children and vulnerable groups.
As a result of NLM’s long-term work in spreading the Gospel and supporting emerging churches, we now work alongside active, independent Lutheran churches in many countries, and NLM provides various degrees of financial support. Today, most of our missionaries work within these churches, primarily as consultants in various areas, but many also contribute as preachers or are directly involved in other types of outreach.
NLM believes that everyone has the right to freely choose their beliefs. Because of this, we have missionaries in several areas where traditional mission work is either illegal or restricted. We believe that a Christian presence can make a big difference, and alongside Norea Media Mission, we also use radio and other types of digital media to reach people with the Christian message. This work is done in close cooperation with local Christians. In the years to come, we wish to further strengthen our efforts to bring the Gospel to the Least Reached peoples.
Theological education has always been a priority for NLM. As a result, NLM has founded many bible schools and theological seminaries. These are now owned and operated by national churches. Some of our missionaries teach at these institutions. Some also develop teaching material or translate Christian literature for educational use.
NLM has always emphasised the importance of a holistic approach to mission work. As Christians, we are called to care for the whole person. Throughout our history, we have been involved in important health work on several continents, and historically, NLM has founded several hospitals and many health clinics. We still provide some financial support or health personnel to such institutions today.
Whole communities have seen drastic improvements in living standards through NLM’s efforts. In cooperation with local partners and Norad (the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation), NLM has contributed to community development programs targeting both primary health services, education, water- and energy supply, business development and agricultural development. NLM wishes to utilise and improve local resources.
Women’s living conditions and children’s rights are other highly prioritised areas. Education and access to information are keys to improved living conditions for women and children.
In recent years, NLM has, alongside national Lutheran churches, started several big elementary schools. These have been integrated into the national education system and are run as part of the humanitarian work of the local churches. NLM also funds several development projects working to improve children’s quality of life through raising awareness of children’s rights and needs among parents and teachers.
Norwegian Lutheran Mission also has a big presence in Norway. Historically, we are a part of the Norwegian “bedehus” (prayer house) movement, or laymen’s movement. In some places, we work alongside other similar organisations in a shared “bedehus”, while in other places, we have our own congregations. This is especially true for the larger cities, where you will often find sizeable NLM congregations with weekly meetings and activities for different age groups.
All in all, NLM in Norway consists of approx. 2500 house groups, congregations, children’s clubs etc. all over the country. We have more than 1000 clubs, choirs etc. for children and youths, as well as hundreds of camps on our 30+ camp sites throughout the year. Every summer, several thousand teens and young adults gather for “UL”, a yearly, nation-wide festival for youths.
Through our work in Norway, NLM hopes to see more young people introduced to the Good News of the Gospel. We wish to be a revival movement and a mission organisation that challenges people to serve God in various ways. One of our primary aims is to strengthen and maintain people’s faith throughout their lives. We also aim to encourage people to take responsibility for mission work by praying for our missionaries and supporting our work financially.
NLM wishes to have the Bible as the foundation for all our activities. We view the Bible as God’s revealed word to us, and as such, it should guide both what we believe and how we live our lives. Like other Lutheran churches and organisations, we build on Martin Luther’s teachings on justification by faith alone.
NLM operates more than 30 schools, ranging from primary schools to university colleges, either alone or in cooperation with other organisations. We also have 35 kindergartens and several community centres.
Media work has long been an important part of NLM’s DNA. We own Lunde Publishing, one of Norway’s biggest Christian publishing houses. Through Norea Media Mission and several local radio stations, we produce daily radio broadcasts. Norea Media Mission also works extensively in other forms of media, both in Norway and internationally. NLM also publishes the magazine “Utsyn” and the youth website “iTro.no”. Alongside the domestic mission organisation ImF, we operate Superblink, a media club for children.
Business name: Norsk Luthersk Misjonssamband / Norwegian Lutheran Mission
Norwegian organisation number: 938 679 177